printed in The Pilot, February 15, 1928
Anne Marie Jensen was born at Stenstrup, Fyen, Denmark, May 15, 1869 and died at the Tekamah General hospital, at Tekamah, Neb., February 10, 1928 after a tonsil operation from which she never revived, her age being 58 years, 8 months and 9 days. She was married to Jens Peter Jensen and to this union were born six children, Larsene, Alfred, Nellie, Lawrence, Victor and Harvey.
Her husband preceded her in death about 15 years ago. After that Mrs. Jensen had a hard struggle, as she was left with the smaller children; 2 years later the youngest child Harvey was taken by death.
Her aged parents in Denmark preceded her in death only last year, 1927. Her mother in May and her father in October.
Mr. and Mrs. Jensen came to this country in their early 20’s, hoping and expecting to make enough to go back to Denmark and make their home, but they, like many others liked America best.
They rented a farm six miles south of Herman and went through the drouth in the early 90’s, but they stood side by side in sweet companionship and carried their burdens uncomplainingly. They resided there until 1901 and made many close friends. In the same year they moved to the home place near Decatur, where she resided until death.
She was a devoted mother of a clean Christian character. She was reared in the Lutheran faith and 23 years ago she learned and accepted the faith of Seventh Day Advents and united with that church to which she devoted much of her time and energy for many years.
Her interest was always for others where she could help and the children all called on her and felt free to do so, as she was always willing and anxious to do her part, but nevermore will be heard the voices of the little grandchildren saying, “Here comes grandma in her little car,” her work in finished here but we sorrow not as those having……………….. (cut off here)
She often expressed her loneliness to her loved ones and shortly before she died said, “I am so tired and lonesome of living alone, I am not afraid to go now.” She died with a strong faith in God and a bright hope in the resurrection morning, when Jesus comes to gather “His Own.”
(words of tribute) We shall miss, but will meet her in the home beyond the skies, Whose love can equal the love of mother, Whose the devotion so loyal and true! Who suffers so much in the joy of another, Who works with such pleasure as mother for you, You hail with delight the friendship of others, You revel in love of the sweetheart you’ve won, Yet, where do you find a friendship like mother’s Unbroken till death calls and life’s work is done?
She leaves to mourn her passing 5 children, 11 grandchildren and 4 brothers, besides many other relatives and a host of friends, but they expect a sweet reunion when the trumpet of God shall sound as Mrs. Jensen claimed this promise in the scriptures, “Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.”
Elder C.G. Bellah, of Omaha conducted the funeral service at the Adventist church in Tekamah at 2 o’clock and afterwards spoke words of comfort to the many sorrowing friends. Mr. Hutches, of Omaha, sang beautifully, “Anywhere With Jesus,” “Yes, My Name’s Written There,” and “We’ll Never Say GoodBye in Heaven.” She was laid to rest in the beautiful cemetery adjoining the church at Decatur to await the voice of the Life-giver, the giver of all good things unto men. C.G.B.