Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used. Printed in Pilot-Tribune, October 15, 1962
Funeral services were held this (Monday) morning for Robert Fritz Randolph, 66 years of age, who died Friday of a heart attack.
The services were held at the Campbell Mortuary, the Rev. Levi Williams of Omaha and the Rev. John Peck of Falls City officiating, with burial in Falls City Cemetery.
Mr. Randolph, a mechanic, was born at Rulo, Nebr., Oct. 5, 1896.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Harmon of Omaha and Mrs. Roberta Chaffee of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sisters, Mrs. Blanche Raines of Falls City and Mrs. Mary Fulk of Rushville; 4 brothers, Melvin and Ralph of Falls City, James and Porter Randolph of Omaha.
Pallbearers were Ross Davis, John Gilliam, Howard Kubie, D.E. Spirkler, Ned Tyson and Leonard Munk.