A penciled notation identified the date of this article as 1976.
Date and place of publication of this newspaper article was not recorded.
Re/ the sentence below “There were no other children,” a penciled notation states, “There were Gene and Duane, sons (dead).”
George M. Rasmussen, a life-long resident of Washington County, died on September 8th at the Dodge County Memorial Hospital in Fremont. He was 76 years of age, having been born at Orum December 21, 1898.
He spent his life as a farmer. His wife preceded him in death and he has been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. James Andreasen who lives on a farm west of Kennard. There were no other children. (penciled insert: “There were Gene and Duane, sons {dead}.”)
A brother, Carl Rasmussen lives in Blair.
Funeral services were held at the First Lutheran Church in Blair on Saturday, September 11th. The Rev. Robert Albers conducted the service and burial was made in the Orum Cemetery under the direction of the Bendorf Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were Harold, Ivan, and William Rasmussen, Clifford Soll and William and Glenn Krause.