Since the exact death date was not given, the date of his funeral service was used.
Funeral services for 70-year-old Morgan P. Rasmussen were held Tuesday, February 18th, with burial in the Arlington Cemetery.
Mr. Rasmussen, a prominent feeder and farmer, became ill Saturday afternoon while driving his car on Highway 30 in Arlington. Mrs. Rasmussen was riding with her husband when he became ill. She was able to steer the auto to the side of the road and put on the brake.
The Arlington Rescue Squad was called and Mr. Rasmussen was taken to the Dodge County hospital in Fremont where he passed away.
Mr. Rasmussen was born on March 4, 1904 at Herman, Nebraska where he had lived until Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen moved into their new home in Arlington approximately six weeks ago. On February 17, 1930, Mr. Rasmussen married Irene Stork at Fremont.
The Tuesday services were held at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church east of Winslow with burial in the Arlington Cemetery under the direction of the Reckmeyer Funeral Home. Rev. Ernest Eckhardt and Rev. Paul Kern officiated. Memorials may be sent to the Emmanuel Lutheran Church.
Mr. Rasmussen was a member of the Emmanuel Lutheran Church and the Luther Laymen’s League. He was a Vice President of the National Livestock Feeders Association. He was also a member of the Board on the Spiker School District Number 48. Mr. Rasmussen organized the Spiker Livestock 4-H Club in 1934. The club is the oldest 4-H club in Washington county and still very active. Mr. Rasmussen was always very active in the 4-H movement.
Morgan Rasmussen had been a Washington County cattle feeder and farmer for approximately 50 years. Most recently he has been Treasurer of the Rasmussen Feed Mill in the northwest corner of Washington County.
Survivors include his wife Irene; sons, David of Arlington, Roland of Blair, Daniel of Fremont, and Steven of Fremont. Surviving daughter is Mrs. William (Delores) Ruwe of Hooper. There is one sister, Mrs. Oscar (Violet) Brown of Fremont and 12 grandchildren.
Music was provided by Mrs. William Moseman and Mrs. Jack Jensen.
Pallbearers were Robert J. Rasmussen, Leon Schuette, Milton Meier, Duane Pawling, Chester Spiker, Nate Tedrow.
Honorary pallbearers were: Virgil Hilgenkamp, Howard hanson, Jr., Gordon Rabe, Jerome Rabe, William Bohling, Peter Andersen, Walter Petersen and Stanley Marsh.