Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used.
Published in The Enterprise, January 10, 1929
Rasmus Rasmussen of near Spiker, passed away at his home last Tuesday afternoon at 4:45.
Deceased was born in Denmark, June 27, 1847, and was thus nearly eighty-two years of age. He came to America in 1861 and settled on the farm on which he lived fifty years ago. He was married to Petrine Jensen two years later. Mr. Rasmussen was a man of considerable influence in his community and for long years served as justice of the peace and as a member of the school board.
The funeral services are to be held this (Thursday) afternoon at two o’clock from the Danish church at Orum and interment is to be made in the cemetery at that place.
Besides the wife he leaves six sons: Nels, Alfred, Henry, Louis, James and Robert; and five daughters: Mrs. Henry Timm, Mrs. Louis Knudsen, Mrs. Emil Knudsen, Mrs. August Timm and Martha, who is still at home.