Wife of Prominent Merchant Succumbs; Services this Afternoon
In failing health the past five years, bedfast all this month, Mrs. W. J. Sas, 50, died early Tuesday morning at the family home, 707 south Walker Avenue. She died before a daughter, Mrs. Marie Jensen of Blue Jay, California, could reach the bedside. Mrs. Jensen arrived in Blair last evening.
The body was removed to the Campbell mortuary. Funeral services are being held this afternoon at 2 o’clock at First Methodist church, the Rev. Ralph P. Rasmussen officiating. Interment will follow in Blair cemetery. Pallbearers are Clifford E. Krause, Al Reeh, Walter Nielsen, Bert Laing, Oscar Gilbertson and A.C. Debel.
Mrs. Sas, as Della Henderson, daughter of the late County Superintendent and Mrs. John W. Henderson, was born in Blair November 10, 1889. She secured her education here.
She and William J. Sas were married June 15, 1910, at St. Joseph, Missouri, and returned to Blair to make their home. Mr. Sas was then, as now, in the mercantile business.
Mr. and Mrs. Sas lived for a time on east Colfax Street, but for nearly 25 years had resided in their present home.
Surviving Mrs. Sas are her husband and two daughters, Mrs. Einer Jensen of Blue Jay, California, and Miss Kathryn Sas at home.
Mrs. Sas was the last member of the Henderson family. Her father, John Henderson, died months ago. Three sisters preceded her in death.