Enterprise 2 June 1916
Ernest Martin Passes Away
Ernest Martin, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, died at the home of his mother, Mrs. M. J. Martin, in this city, on last Wednesday, the 31st ult., aged 40 years, 6 months and 4 days.
Deceased was born here where he remained until 8 years ago and has since made his home at Council Bluffs. He was married to Mrs. Mary Hager at Lincoln 8 years ago. He came on a visit to his mother and sister one week previous to his death, accompanied by his wife who returned to Council Bluffs a few days later but when her husband’s condition became critical, returned here and was with him till the end came. He had been a sufferer from tuberculosis for 4 years. His mother, one sister, Mrs. P. T. Badgerow, of this city, and two brothers, Fred and Hugh, of Omaha survive.
Funeral services will be held at the Baptist church at 2 o’clock p.m. today, Rev. Mr. Foreman, preaching the funeral sermon, with burial in the Blair cemetery.