Enterprise 29 Jun 1972
Mrs. Elmer Paulsen, a one-time resident of the Blair area, died Tuesday, June 27th at Clarkson Hospital in Omaha. Mrs. Paulsen, born April 16, 1917, was 55 years old. She and her husband had lived in Omaha for a number of years.
She is survived by her husband, Elmer C. Paulsen of Omaha and a son, Dennis Paulsen of Blair. There are three daughters, all living in Omaha. They are Mrs. William (Carole) Batson, Miss Nancy Paulsen and Miss Jane Paulsen. There are three grandchildren.
Two brothers, Ernest Schmidt of Craig and Harry Schmidt of Omaha survive. Four sisters are living. They are Mrs. Ferdinand Wiese, of Missouri Valley, Mrs. Ernest Schmidt of Omaha, Mrs. Max Harder of Elkhorn and Mrs. Herman Schroeder of Litchfield, Nebraska.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Friday) at Kountze Memorial Church, 26th and Farnam, Omaha. Burial will be made in the German Cemetery in the south part of Washington County.