Enterprise 12 May 1916
Mrs. Owen Mason died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eva Gundy, in this city, on Wednesday, May 10, aged 93 years, 3 months and 13 days.
Thede Price Clawges was born in Germantown, Penn., Jan. 25, 1823, and came to Iowa in 1858, where she was married to Owen Mason in 1862. In 1874 she came with her husband to Blair, where she made her home until called to her final reward after months of illness and suffering.
Mrs. Mason was the mother of three children, David W. Mason, Mrs. Stunkard and Mrs. Gundy, who with the aged husband survive her.
Funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. Gundy, today (Friday) at 2 p.m., Rev. Wm. Esplin, of Crowell Memorial Home officiating, and interment was made in Blair cemetery.
She was a good, patient, gentle woman, a faithful wife and devoted mother; no greater tribute can be paid a queen.
Pilot 10 May 1916
Mrs. Owen Mason died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. E. Gundy, at 6 o’clock this morning, following an illness of six weeks, of aged pneumonia, she being almost 93 years of age. The funeral will be held at the house at 2 o’clock Friday, Rev. Wm. Esplin officiating. Phoebe Price Cowges was born in Germantown, Pa., Jan. 25th, 1823, during the last year of President Monroe’s administration, the 5th president of the United States. Her parents moved to Iowa in 1858 and there she met and married Owen Mason, May 18th, 1862, thus living together nearly 54 years. They came to this city in 1874 and have lived here ever since. Besides her aged husband, 89 years of age, she leaves one son, David, and two daughters, Mrs. L. E. Gundy, of this city, and Mrs. A. A. Stunkhard, of Galena, Kans., who has made her home here with her sister since her husband’s death about a year ago. She hadn’t been up town but three or four times in the 41 years she lived in Blair, the last time being about thirty years ago. She had been very feeble for a good many years and was glad to go and be with the Master whom she loved so much and served so well.
Mason, Theda Price
Published in Blair Democrat on 11 May 1916
Mrs. Owen Mason died Wednesday, May 10, of pneumonia at the advanced age of 93 years. She was born in Germantown, Pa., Jan. 25, 1823. She was married to Wm. Mason in Iowa in 1862. They came to Blair in 1874 and have made their home here since. She leaves to mourn her demise an aged husband, one son and two daughters. Rev. Wm. Esplin will conduct the funeral from the home at two o'clock Friday afternoon.