Enterprise 6 Nov 1924
Mrs. J. C. Paulson Gone
Mrs. J. C. Paulson, who has been in poor health since early last spring passed away at the Blair hospital on Tuesday, Nov. 4 at 10:15 A.M.
Miss Anna Carlson Hansen was born Oct. 26, 1861 in Denmark, where she resided until she was twenty-seven years old, when she came to America.
She was married to Mr. J. C. Paulson at Avoca, Iowa, Febr. 25, 1891 and to them two children were born, Hans, now twenty-five years of age and Marie, twenty years of age.
The family moved to Washington County in March, 1911, moving on to the old Donnelly farm at DeSoto which Mr. Paulson had purchased and where they have since made their home.
Mrs. Paulson was taken to the hospital on Tuesday evening of October 25 and underwent an operation on the following day for rupture. For a time she rallied and apparently was on the road to recovery but took suddenly worse at the last and passed away on last Tuesday.
Mrs. Paulsen was a woman of deep Christian character and was loved and respected for her womanly virtues.
The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Friday) at 9:30 A.M. at the Danish church and the body will be taken to Avoca, Iowa for interment, that being the old home of the family.
Besides the grief stricken husband, the deceased leaves two children, a son and daughter, both living at home.
Pilot 5 Nov 1924
Mrs. Jens C. Paulsen, who lived on a farm three and one-half miles south of town, died at the Blair hospital at 10:15 yesterday morning and the funeral will be held at the Danish church at 9 o’clock Friday morning, Rev. H. Nielsen officiating. The body will be taken overland to Avoca, Ia. for burial. Anne Catherine Thomsen was born in Denmark Octob
26th, 1861, so was just past 63 years of age. She came to this country in 1888 and settled at Avoca, where she was married to Jens C. Paulsen February 25th, 1891. They came to this county thirteen years ago. She is survived by her husband and two children, Hans and Marie, both of whom were at home. Mrs. Paulsen was the last of a family of six children to pass to the Great Beyond.
• Paulsen/Paulson spelling in these obituaries
• One obit lists her name as Anna Carlson Hansen, other as Anne Catherine Thomsen