printed in the Kennard Enterprise, December 11, 1908.
Miss Ingar Andersen was born in Denmark in the year of 1879, and died at Hunter's Spring, Mont. Nov. 20,1908, aged 29 years lacking one day. She was raised in Washington County, Neb. and made her home here until nine years ago, since which time she has been making her home with her sister, Mrs. Anna Dwyer at Miles City, Mont. Miss Andersen had been a sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism ever since she was a child, and when she went to Montana she had hopes that the climate of that country might be beneficial, but the disease went to her heart and she passed peacefully away.
The funeral services were held in Kennard at the Methodist Church Thursday afternoon of last week. Rev. A.F. Schafer in charge. The church was well filled with sorrowing friends and relatives who had come to pay their last respects to the deceased. At the close of the service the remains were laid to rest in the Danish cemetery.
Card of Thanks
To those who have been with us in our bereavement and by kind words and kindly acts have tried to lessen our sorrow, we extend our sincere thanks. We also feel grateful to those who contributed the beautiful floral offerings, to the choir of the nice music and to Rev. AF. Schafer for his sermon.
Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Jensen; Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Andersen;
Mrs. Anna Dwyer |