printed in The Enterprise, November27, 1975
A.C. Andersen, a lifetime resident of Washington County, died last Sunday, November 23 at Memorial Community Hospital in Blair. He was 86 years of age, having been born August 6th, 1889 near the village of Washington.
Mr. Andersen devoted his life to farming but retired a number of years ago and moved to Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Andersen have been living at Sutton Place, 1743 Lincoln Street in Blair.
He is survived by his wife, Norma. A son, Ray, lives at Arlington and a daughter, Mrs. Henry Kroeger, lives at Kennard. A stepdaughter, Mrs. Richard Masters, lives at Fremont. There are nine grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren. A sister, Mrs. Peter Olsen, lives at the Village of Washington.
Funeral services were held at the Grace United Methodist Church in Kennard Tuesday afternoon. Services were conducted by the Rev. John Fritzmeier, pastor of Grace Methodist, and by Rev. Robert Albers, of First Lutheran Church in Blair. Burial, under the direction of Bendorf Funeral Home, was made in the Prairie View Cemetery in the south part of Washington County.
Pallbearers were all nephews. They were Alvin Andersen, Melvin Misfeldt, Daryl Miller, Darold Franke, Earl Mellick and Russell Holtman. |