Enterprise 17 Mar 1916
Charles Robert Peebles Dies
While Undergoing an Operation at Hospital
Charles Peebles, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Peebles, departed this life on Tuesday, March 14, at 1:30 p.m. in Wise Memorial Hospital, Omaha, immediately following an operation for malignant cancer of the brain.
For the past year the young man had tried many remedies without obtaining permanent relief; three weeks ago he was operated on in Omaha for nasal trouble, and it was then feared that another operation would be necessary. Last Saturday accompanied by his mother and his brother-in-law, Wyatt Richey, of Ames, Iowa, he went to Omaha to undergo the second ordeal. Several X-ray pictures were made of the head and it was then discovered that the trouble lay at the base of the brain, and his relatives here were notified that he would go on the operating table at one o’clock Tuesday afternoon.
At one-thirty, his father was notified at Blair, that Charles was dead. The physicians discovered upon making the incision that there was a malignant cancer on the brain. Mrs. Peebles states that she thought the boy was dying when he was taken to the operating room, at any rate he died soon after.
The body was prepared for burial and brought to his home here in Blair, and the funeral was held at the home at 11 o’clock Thursday morning, Rev. W.W. Pfautz, of the Presbyterian church, conducting the obsequies.
Charles Robert Peebles was born at Pender, Nebr., nineteen years ago, but had lived here since a small boy and was well known to most people. Since the illness of his father, which has been continuous for eighteen months, he had assisted his brother Leland in the management of the store and had by his efforts contributed much toward the successful maintenance of the business.
His parents, two sisters, Nellie, now Mrs. Richey, and Florence, four brothers, John, of Montana, Elwood, of Macy, Nebr,, Dudley, of Pender, Neb., and Leland, at home are deeply mourning the death of son and brother.