Enterprise 21 May 1959
Youth, 23, Drowns In Overturned Car
(two pictures)
Ronald Matzen’s Car Slips Into Water 10 Feet Deep
Washington County recorded the first traffic fatality for 1959 early Thursday morning. Dead is Ronald Matzen, 23 years of age, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matzen, who live northwest of Blair.
Ronald Matzen apparently drowned when the car he was driving went out of control on the slippery county road just east of the Leonard Mathiesen farm home. The car landed upside down in a pond along the north side of the county road in approximately eight feet of water. The car was submerged except for the rear end, which stuck out of the water.
The exact time of the accident has not been determined. It was discovered about 1:30 a.m. this Thursday morning by the George Isham family, who were returning home from Omaha where they had attended graduation exercises. They noticed the tracks of a car leading into the ditch, investigated and discovered the accident.
Sheriff Rudy Fick was notified and together with Deputy Sheriff Perey Blair and Patrolman Ralph Bauer, rushed to the scene of the accident. Those in charge experienced considerable difficulty in getting the car out of the ditch. It was raining and the footing was slippery.
Funeral Sunday
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 o’clock at the Blair Methodist Church, the Rev. Don______ officiating with interment in the Blair Cemetery.
Ronald Richard Matzen is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matzen; two brothers, Roger and Robert; and one sister, Betty; and grandmothers, Mrs. Olevea Matzen and Mrs. Jennie Brown, all of Blair.
He was born May 22, 1935 near Blair and graduated from Blair High School in 1952. He was making his home with his parents. In February he completed six months of training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., with the National Guard.
The Bendorf Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.