Blair Courier 18 Jul 1895
Charles Pennington
Charles Pennington died last Saturday, July 13, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Cooper, in Dexterville. Dr. Williams conducted the funeral from the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon. Mr. Pennington was born in Ohio on Dec. 1, 1810, and lived in that state and Kentucky until ‘68, when he moved to Nebraska. He was twice married, and was the father of eighteen children, seven of whom are living. Kind hands laid him to rest in Brewster cemetery, about five miles west of Blair.
Pilot 18 Jul 1895
PENNINGTON—On Saturday, July 13, at the residence of John J Cooper, in this city, of general debility, Charles Pennington, aged 84 years.
Deceased was among the early settlers in this county, locating here in 1868, with his family. He settled upon and took up a homestead about a mile northwest of the present Blair city, where he lived for many years a highly respected citizen. Some seven years ago his wife died and since that time he has made his home with his daughter Mrs. Cooper. He leaves seven adult children all residents of this county, one son Geo. Pennington and six married daughters as follows: Mrs. John Stricklett, Mrs. James Lewis, Mrs. J. J. Cooper, Mrs. Miles Miller, of Calhoun, Mrs. O. Greeno, of Herman, and Mrs. John Ballard.
The funeral was held at the home on Sunday, at 3 P.M conducted by Dr. Williams of the Presbyterian church and was attended by a large concourse of old settlers whose acquaintance with deceased had extended over a period of twenty-six years, and who sorrowfully followed the remains to their last resting place in the Brewster cemetery some miles west of Blair. Thus another old settler whose many good qualities of head and heart endeared him to all who knew him, after a long and useful life had passed to the beyond and received the plandit “well done, good and faithful servant.”