Tribune 8 February 1923
Christopher Mehrens Passed Away Saturday
Christopher Mehrens died at the home of his niece, Mrs. Ross Van Liew, Saturday, February 3, 1923, aged 71 years.
Christopher Mehrens was born in Oldenberg, Germany, August 12, 1852, and came to America with his parents when three years old. They settled in Iowa where they remained for two years, and then came to Nebraska, locating at Cuming City where he grew to manhood. He spent most of his life in railroad work, retiring only when ill health and advanced years made it necessary. For the past several months he has been making his home with Mr. and Mrs. Van Liew. He was never married. A year ago his brother, Henry Mehrens, preceded him to the other world, and only one other member of his immediate family survives him; a brother, Gayhart Mehrens, of Long Beach, Calif.
Funeral services were held at the home of his nephew, Maurice Mehrens, on Sunday at one o’clock, conducted by Rev. W. H. Underwood, and burial was made in the Blair cemetery.
Pilot 7 February 1923
Chris Mehrens suffered a paralytic stroke last Tuesday afternoon and died at 8 oclock Saturday morning at the home of his niece, Mrs. Ross Van Liew, where he had been making his home. The funeral was held at the Maurice Mehrens home at 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. W. H. Underwood officiating. Mr. Mehrens was born in Oldenburg, Germany, August 12th, 1852, and came to America when but two years of age. The family settled at Davenport, Ia., where the father died within a year. A few years later the mother died. Mr. Mehrens was never married. He is survived by one brother, Gerhardt Mehrens, who is now living in Los Angeles, Calif. His brother, Henry, died last fall. Herman was a half brother.