Pilot 2 Feb 1916
Henry Meierhenry, a pioneer settler of Washington county, died at his home at Telbasta Saturday morning at 10:45 o’clock of pneumonia having been sick only about a week. Mr. Meierhenry was born at Sommersett, Lippe Detwold, Germany, Jan. 9th, 1835. He came to America in 1869 and settled in Fontanelle. Here he remained for one year and then returned to Germany to claim his bride, Miss Henrietta Schoenning, to whom he was married Feb. 16th, 1870. They came immediately to America and settled on a homestead near Telbasta where they have since made their home. He was an active member of the Evangelical Association at Telbasta and helped organize the church there. He is survived by his wife and seven children. Mrs. Paul Sprick, Mrs. Gustave Sprick, Mrs. Charles Krohn and Mrs. Herman Sprick, all of Washington county, Mrs. William Rinderspacher, of Fremont, and Carl and Paul Meierhenry, of Telbasta. Funeral services were held at the family home at 12:30 and at the Telbasta church at 1 o’clock. Rev. Wiegert, of Telbasta, the officiating clergyman, was assisted by Rev. Wegner, of Fremont, and Rev. Fred Backemeyer, of Eimwood. Interment was in the Meierhenry family lot in the Telbasta cemetery.
Tribune 9 Feb. 1916
On Saturday, January 29, 1916, Henry Meierhenry, a pioneer settler of this county died at his home at Telbasta at the age of 81 years.
Mr. Meierhenry came to this country in 1869 locating at Fontanelle where he remained one year. Returning to German in the spring of 1870 he was married to Miss Henrietta Schoening and returned at once to this country locating on a homestead, the present site of Telbasta and where he died after a continuous residence of forty-six years on the same farm.
Mr. Meierhenry was a man of deep Christian character, a broad reader and thinker and had the respect of the entire community where he lived.
He was one of the organizers of the Evangelical Lutheran church at Telbasta 45 years ago and had been an active member since. During his lifetime he had seen land homesteaded by himself and his neighbors increase in value to $150 and $175 an acre.
Besides his wife seven children and nineteen grandchildren survive. The children are: Mrs. Paul Sprick, Mrs. Gustav Sprick, Mrs. Charles Krohn, Mrs. Herman Sprick, Mrs. William Rinderspacher, Carl and Paul Meierhenry. With the exception of Mrs. Rinderspacher of Fremont, all of the children reside in Washington county.