Obituary Record

William Meierhenry
Died on 12/5/1914


Blair Democrat 10 Dec. 1914 and The Pilot 9 Dec. 1914


William Meierhenry, one of the substantial pioneer farmers of Grant Township in Washington county, died at the home of his son, W. W. Meierhenry east of Telbasta, on Saturday evening, Dec. 5, at the age of seventy seven years, following an illness of several years duration, due to his declining years. He, together with his wife, came direct to Washington county from their home in Lippe, Detwold, Germany, in the spring of 1870, and settled down on a homestead near the place of his death, where they braved many of the hardships which confront a settler in a new country. Here the family enjoyed prosperity for a number of years and reared a family of five sturdy sons and one daughter, who are Henry, William, Gustav, Frederick and Edward all prosperous residents of Washington county, and Mrs. Carl Brechlin of Fremont. About ten years ago he retired from active farm life and moved with his wife to Fremont leaving the care of his several farms to his sons. His wife preceded him to the Great Beyond about two years ago, since which time his health has failed rapidly and during which time he has been tenderly cared for by his children. The deceased was a man of staunch Christian principals and a faithful member of the German Evangelical Association church. The funeral services were held from the church at Telbasta on Tuesday, Dec. 8th, where he has worshipped for a number of years, with the Rev. Wiegert officiating. The remains were laid to rest beside those of his wife in the family burial lot in the cemetery near the church, amid the participation of a large circle of relatives and friends.

Enterprise 11 Dec. 1914


The death of William Meierhenry occurred at his son, W. W.’s home, adjoining the original home farm east of Telbasta, on last Saturday. Deceased and wife homesteaded a couple of miles east of the present site of Telbasta in the spring of 1870, living thee until a few years ago and rearing a family of four sons and one daughter, all residing in this county, good farmers and good citizens, and the daughter, Mrs. Carl Brechlin residing in Fremont. Mrs. Meierhenry died while they resided in Fremont, nearly two years ago. Funeral services were held on Tuesday at the Telbasta church and the burial by the side of his wife in the Telbasta cemetery.

Tribune 9 Dec. 1914

William Meierhenry, 77 years old, died at the residence of his son, William, near Telbasta, last Saturday. He was a native of Lippe, Detmold, Germany, and came to Washington county with his wife in 1870 and settled on a homestead near the place of his death. About ten years ago he removed to Fremont, retiring from active farm life and leaving his business affairs in the care of his son. His wife died about two years ago. The deceased leaves the following names sons all residents of Washington county: Henry, William, Gustav, Frederick and Edward and a daughter, Mrs. Carl Brechlin of Fremont. The funeral was held at Telbasta on Tuesday and the burial in the Telbasta cemetery. The deceased was a fine substantial citizen and leaves many friends who mourn his loss.