Since the death date was not given, the news article date was used. Printed in the Pilot January 10, 1923
Mrs. John J Rodgers died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.W. Foote in Missouri Valley, at 10 o’clock last Sunday Morning of heart trouble, having been in bed since Christmas day. The body was brought over here Monday Morning and the funeral held at the residence on west Colfax Street at 2 o’clock this afternoon, Rev. Edson M. Bell of Missouri Valley, officiating.
There was a large attendance and the floral offerings were unusually beautiful, which shows something of high esteem in which Mrs. Rodgers was held in the community. The pallbearers were Guy Cook, C. E. Gaydou, John A. Rhoades, Claire Warrick, Everett Tyson and E. B. Redfield.
Marian McMichael was born in Hullet Township near Seaforth, Ontario, Canada, June 3rd, 1857. She was united in marriage there to John J. Rodgers in October of 1889 and they arrived in Blair the following February, this having been their home ever since. Four children were born to them, John and Marian dying in infancy. Those living are Thoms J. Rodgers of this city and Jennie, Mrs. W. W. Foote, of Missouri Valley, Ia. Besides the husband she is survived by two sisters and a brother. Wm. McMichael and Mrs. Mary Dorrance, of Seaforth, Canada, and Mrs. Maggie McGregor, of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Rodgers was a member of the Presbyterian Church and of the W.R.C. of this city. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of many friends.
Published in the Tribune January 11,1923.
This community was greatly shocked when word reached here on Sunday afternoon that Mrs. John J. Rodgers had passed away while visiting her daughter and family at Missouri Valley, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers and their son, T. G. Rodgers, and wife, went to Missouri Valley on Christmas day to spend the joyous occasion with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foote and children. Mrs. Rodgers was not feeling well and had a physician attend her before going. At Missouri Valley another physician was called, but in spite of all that could be done by either medical men or those who loved her best, she slipped away from them and her spirit was taken to the God who gave it on Sunday of this week.
Marion McMichael was born June 3, 1857, in the township of Hallet, Seaforth, Ontario, Canada and was married to John J. Rodgers in October, 1889. She was born and reared to young womanhood in the same house from which she went as a happy bride. She came to Blair with her husband in 1890 and has since made this her home. Four children were born to her, John and Marion dying during infancy; Thoms G. and Mrs. Jennie Foote, who with the husband, survive her. There are also two grandchildren, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Foote.
Mrs. Rodgers was well known throughout Nebraska and adjoining states. For many years she was hostess of the Clifton Hotel and relinquished the title to her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Thos. G. Rodgers, a few years ago. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her, and was known as a conscientious, upright woman and her passing will leave a vacancy that can never be filled. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a member of the Woman’s Relief Corps.
Funeral services were held at the home on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. Mr. Bell of the Missouri Valley Presbyterian church officiating, the Relief Corps attending in a body. The choir, under the leadership of John Moore, sang a number of appropriate selections. The pallbearers were Guy Cook, C. E. Gaydou, John A. Rhoades, Claire Warrick, Everett Tyson and E. B. Redfield.
She was laid away to rest in the Blair Cemetery near where she had spent so many years of her life and where she had made husband and children happy and contented in their home environments. A good woman has gone to her reward.