Since the death date was not given, the news article date was used. Published in the Tribune September, 13, 1923.
Jake Bross received a telegram Tuesday afternoon from his brother-in-law, Win Rodman, stating that Grover Rodman had been shot in the arm and chest by a couple of strangers, from the effects of which he died last night at 1 o’clock.
It seems that while Grover was driving near Brule Monday evening his lights failed and he hailed an approaching car to ask for the loan of a pair of pliers. The two men in the car refused the loan and continued on to Brule. So did Rodman. At that village they met and after a hot argument one of the pair shot Rodman.
The strangers gave their names as Mel Wenden and Harry Carlton and claimed to hail from Detroit. They are being held for investigation.
Grover, who is a son on Mr. and Mrs. Walt Rodman of this city, where he grew to manhood, had been in the real estate business at Ogallala for a number of years. The funeral will be held Friday. Grover was 38 years old. The sympathy of the community is extended to the aged parents and relatives in this city.