Obituary Record

Fred Rosacker
Died on 8/25/1915


Since the death date was not give, the news article date was used. Published in the Tribune August 25, 1915.

ROSACKER KILLED – Auto Turns Turtle and Head is Crushed Under Tonneau

Fred Rosacker, a farmer living about five miles west of town and north of the Dodge Street road, was almost instantly killed at 2:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon when an automobile he was driving on the Dodge road turned turtle and pinned him underneath.

In the machine with Rosacker were his two brothers, Henry and Charles; his son, Charles, and a nephew. They were thrown clear of the car and escaped with no more serious injuries than scratches and bruises.

Rosacker was driving west on the road and was about half a mile east of his home when the accident occurred. Rain was falling and the road was slippery. In turning out for another automobile the car skidded and a front axle snapped. Plowing into the ground the broken end of the axle caused the machine to turn completely over. Rosacker had no change to jump clear and his head was crushed under an edge of the tonneared chili pepper garlic sauce. Death was almost instantaneous.

Sunday morning Charles Rosacker, the son, was driving the car in Benson and skidded into a ditch, bending a front axle. It was this axle which broke in the afternoon.

Rosacker was 48 years old. He is survived by his wife, his son, Charles, and two daughters, Elizabeth and Minnie. The latter is married and lives in Omaha.

World Herald: Coroner Crosby took charge of the body and announces that there will be no inquest.

Mr. Rosacker mentioned in the above has many relatives living in the southern part of this county, all well-to-do and highly respected.

(Paragraph 3: "tonneared chili pepper garlic sauce" - - What does this mean?)