Pilot 14 Nov. 1928
Guy Mead Died In Omaha Thursday
Passed Away at the Methodist Hospital in Omaha After Suffering Two Weeks with Heart Trouble
Funeral Held Here Sunday
The end finally came for Guy Kepner Mead at the Methodist hospital in Omaha at 4 o’clock last Thursday morning. He was taken there just two weeks before suffering from heart trouble and had been better and worse almost every day during that time. Even Wednesday evening he seemed a little better but the tired heart finally ceased to beat at about 4 o’clock the next morning.
His three daughters from California and brother and sisters had kept long vigils near him for many days when he seemed so low the end could not be far away, yet the spark of life continued to glow, through growing gradually weaker. He was conscious most of the time and joked with those about him after a severe attack would pass.
The body was brought up to Blair soon after he passed away and prepared for burial at the Campbell undertaking rooms. The funeral service was held at the Methodist church at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. Carl G. Bader officiating. Gifford Dixon sang “One Sweetly Solemn Thought,” with Mrs. Hancock at the organ, that being the only musical number.
The church was more than filled and the wealth of floral offerings was most unusual showing the high esteem in which he and his family are held in the community. He had spent about 41 years in Blair and was widely known for he had been serving the public in various ways during that time.