Published in the Pilot September 1, 1898
The sad news of the death of Mrs. Elmer Rood reached us yesterday morning. The deceased was born in Lynn county, Iowa, sixteen miles north of Marion, September 26, 1862, and was therefore thirty-five years, eleven months and five days old. Her death though not unlooked for was a shock to her many friends in the city. For the past year Mrs. Rood had been unwell and the past month was confined to her bed. Though she suffered excruciating pain, yet she did not murmur.
She was a earnest Christian, being a faithful member of the M.E. Church of the city, always ready to do anything to help others, she had endeared herself to many hearts who had been cheered and helped by her little acts of kindness. She was prepared for the change from this to a heavenly home and talked about it freely to her attendants, and almost her last works were, “I’m going home”, and in this sweet and peaceful manner the soul left the body racking with pain and entered the land of pure delight.
She leave a father and mother residing at Fullerton, five brothers and one sister beside a loving husband and two boys, Oscar and Earl to mourn their loss. Words are inadequate to express our sorrow and grief, yet in a degree our sorrow is mitigated, for we know she is beyond suffering.
The funeral was held from the home this afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. Barton officiating, and was largely attended. The family has the heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of friends.