Published in The Pilot, March 15, 1916
World was received this morning of the death of Mrs. M. Campbell, which occurred at the Soldier’s Home at Burkett, Nebr., at 1 o’clock this morning.
The body will arrive on the afternoon train tomorrow but no time has been set for the funeral. Her husband died at the Home on Nov. 20th last, having been a resident there about four years.
Clara E. Young was born in Indiana in 1834 and was married there to Mr. Campbell on Oct. 9th, 1866. They came to this city in 1880 and Mr. Campbell was minister for the U.B. church for a number of years.
She is survived by two sons, Bert, of this city and Charles of Winnebago, Neb. Also one daughter, Mrs. Theo Therkelsen , who lives on the old Walton farm north of town.
# 2 - - from The Tribune, March 22, 1916
Mrs. Clara E. Campbell died at the Soldier’s Home in Burkett, Neb., at 1 P.M., March 15, 1916.
Her husband, the late Matthais Campbell, died November 20th, and was buried at the Blair Cemetery.
Four years ago the aged couple went to the Soldier’s Home to spend the remainder of their lives and when the hand of death separated the couple, Mrs. Campbell fell into a decline from which she never recovered.
Clara E. Young was born in Kentucky, March 15, 1834, and was married to Matthais Campbell October 9th, 1866 The couple came to Blair in 1880 and lived here until going to Burkett.
She leaves to mourn her death three children: Charles Campbell of Winnebago, Neb., Bert, of Blair, and Mrs. Theo Therkelsen who lives on a farm north of town. Also eleven grandchildren.