Enterprise 15 May 1924
Anna Christina Larson was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 21, 1881 and died May 9, 1924 at her home in Herman, Neb., at the age of 42 years, 10 months and 18 days.
She came with her parents to America in 1885, residing in Omaha, Neb., until 1893. She came to Herman, Neb., in 1901 where she has since resided.
She was married to P.N. Petersen on July 8, 1903 and they made their home here.
While young in years in Copenhagen she was baptized into the Lutheran faith and all through her life she tried to live the principle of her belief.
Mrs. Petersen had been a sufferer for several years and was confined to her bed several weeks at a time. About two weeks ago she was taken ill and while everything was done to relieve her suffering it was of no avail until she was called to that better land where pain and suffering come not.
She was a kind and loving mother, a good neighbor and one who numbered her friends by the score.
She leaves to mourn her loss, one daughter, Anna Marie, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Larsen of Round Lake, Minn., two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Parrish of Sheridan, Wyo., Mrs. Stella Rasmussen of this place, five brothers, Chris, of Sioux Falls, S.D., William of Ladysmith, Wis., Viggo and Oscar of Round Lake, Minn., and Harry of Denver, Colo., besides a host of friends who also mourn her departure.
Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 o’clock at the Baptist church conducted by the pastor, Rev. T.J. Reese assisted by Rev. W.A. Bowden of the M.E. Church. A quartet composed of Mrs. C.E. Johnson, Miss Eledice Godsey, Floyd Loftis and C.R. Gray sang several selections. The Eastern Star had charge of the services at the cemetery.
The Pilot newspaper had the same obituary with the exception of the last paragraph which was not printed.