There were three articles published.
1. Published in the Tribune October 14, 1914
Mrs. Helene Rosenbaum, one of the early settlers of Washington County, died at her home in Blair at 7:30 Sunday evening, October 11, 1914. She was born October 6, 1842, on the Island of Pellwoin, Schleswig, Germany and came to America with her brother, Herman Weinbrandt, in 1872, and settled in Washington County the same year. She was married July 18, 1873, at Blair to Wm. Rosenbaum, and they settled on a farm three miles northeast of Orum, where they resided until the death of her husband on April 4, 1885. To this union five children were born, three of whom survive her. They are Wm. Jr. and Mrs. Anna Jefferson and Mrs. Mike Nelson, all of whom live near Kennard. She was a resident of Blair for the past sixteen years. The funeral was conducted by Rev. August Lambrecht, of the German Lutheran church, from the home at one o’clock, Wednesday afternoon, and the remains were laid to rest in the Blair Cemetery.
2. Published ine the Enterprise October 16, 1914
Mrs. Helen Rosenbaum died at her residence in this city on Sunday evening, after a few days illness, aged 75 years and 5 days.
Helene Weinbrandt was born in Pellworm, Germany in 1842, came to Washington County, Nebr., in 1872, and was married to William Rosenbaum in 1873. Five children were born to them, three of whom, William, Mrs. Anna Jespersen and Mrs. Pauline Nielsen, all of Kennard, survive her.
Deceased, together with her husband took a homestead near Rose Hill, this county, soon after their marriage, which was her home until she moved to Blair a few years since. The husband died nearly thirty years ago. There are nineteen grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon and interment made in Blair Cemetery.
3. Published in the Pilot October 14, 1914
Mrs. Helene Rosenbaum died at home, across the street west from the Methodist church, at 7:30 Sunday evening, having been sick but one week with a bad cold. She was 72 years old and seemed to lack the vitality to recover, though she was conscious to almost the last moment. The funeral was held today at the house at 1:00 o’clock, Rev. A. W. Lambrecht, of the German Lutheran Church, officiating.
Helene Weinbrandt was born on the island or Pollweim, just off the east coast of Schleswig, Germany, Oct. 6th, 1842. She came to America with her brother the late Herman Weinbrandt, in 1872 and located in Blair, where she was married to Wm. Rosenbaum July 18, 1873. They settled on a farm three miles northeast of Orum, where Mr. Rosenbaum died April 4th, 1885, of blood poisoning. For the next thirteen years Mrs. Rosenbaum took charge of the farm and ran it successfully. She moved to this city in 1898 after her three children were all married and she was left alone. William, Mrs. Anna Jepperson and Mrs. Mike Nelson all live near together about three miles northwest of Kennard. The Pilot joins the many friends in expressions of deepest sympathy for the bereaved children.