#1 Enterprise 16 Jun 1916
Pauline D. Petersen Dead
Miss Pauline D. Petersen, died at the Presbyterian Medical hospital, Omaha, Wednesday, June 14, 1916, aged 27 years.
The passing of Pauline D. Petersen, causes much sorrow in her large circle of friends in Blair and Washington county, where she had made her home all her life, having been born on a farm near Blair in 1889. She had been employed as stenographer in the Haller Proprietary establishment previous to her going to Omaha to work in a similar capacity. Her health was good and she worked up to the 22nd of April, this year, when she came to the home of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Belknap, in this city for a rest. She was in such condition that she was advised to consult a physician who, after seeing her the second time, advised that she be taken to a hospital for treatments which was impossible for her to obtain at home. Her trouble was pronounced tubercular peritonitis, and she was operated upon at once. A week after the operation, a drainage of two gallons was taken from her. The surgeon probed for the origin. They thought she might recover without further operation. A few days later a fever set in, running very high, making the major operation necessary, which indeed, was a very serious one. To Dr. Allison’s astonish-ment, he found the lower pelvic regions were more seriously involved than any case in his experience. It was impossible to remove the cause and she lingered till the fourteenth inst.
Mrs. Belknap was with her during the closing days of her life and made her as comfortable as possible.
The body was brought to Blair Thursday evening and the funeral held at the Belknap home, Friday, June 16. Rev. Maxwell, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church, Omaha, assisted by Rev. C.M. Foreman, of the local Baptist church, officiating. Interment was made in the Blair cemetery.
#2 Tribune 14 Jun 1916
Word was received here this morning by relatives and friends, of the death of Miss Pauline Petersen, in an Omaha hospital where she had undergone an operation for tubercular trouble some weeks ago.
Miss Petersen had been employed for several years as stenographer for the Bankers Reserve Life Insurance Company of Omaha and gave up her ____ April 22, coming to Blair to stay at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. K. Belknap for a rest. It was soon evident that she needed surgical skill and she was taken to Omaha by Mr. and Mrs. Belknap and made as comfortable as possible with the best medical advice and care, but from the day of the operation it was considered a hopeless case and everything that could be done for the sufferer to make her easier was done by these loyal relatives.
Miss Petersen was about twenty-seven years old and before going to Omaha had been employed in the Haller Proprietary Company offices at this place, making her home with her brother-in-law, Mr. W. K. Belknap and family.
She leaves several sisters and brothers to mourn her loss, her mother having died a few months ago.
Funeral services will be held from the Belknap home on Friday afternoon, at 2 p.m. Rev. Maxwell, of Omaha, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church of that city of which Miss Petersen was a member, officiating, aided by Rev. Foreman, pastor of the Baptist church of Blair.
#3 Pilot 14 June 1916
W.H. Belknap received word last evening from his wife, who has been in Omaha for the past four weeks with her sister, Miss Pauline Petersen, at the Presbyterian hospital, that Miss Pauline’s condition was very critical and he went down on the evening train. He telephoned up early this morning to Mr. Unruh that she was dead and he went down on the early morning train to prepare the body for burial. The funeral will be held at the Belknap residence in this city at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon, Rev. C.M. Foreman officiating. She was born down near Bennington 27 years ago and is the first one of 11 children to be called by death. She has been working for the Banker’s Reserve Life Insurance Co. for sever-years past, being compelled to give up her work the 22nd of April. She underwent two operations for tuberculosis of the bowels, the last one about four weeks ago, but she has gradually failed since that time. Friends of the family extend heartfelt sympathy.
Note: her tombstone is in the German cemetery
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair, Nebraska library.~~~
FindaGrave # 101675857