Obituary Record

John Mead
Died on 10/5/1915


3 newspaper articles

# 1 - - printed in the Tribune, October 13, 1915


The older and middle aged people of Blair will well remember John Mead, the youngest of the Jiles Mead family.

John was born and raised in this county and lived here until a few years back when he went to Canada where he has since made his home.

The relatives were shocked recently to receive news from his son, who was with him, of his death. He died of typhoid fever after an illness of four weeks and was buried at Banff, Canada where he made his home.

His brother, Frank, is also in Canada but the two brothers were 500 miles apart and was unable to reach him.

# 2 - - from the Enterprise, October 15, 1915


Report of the death of John Mead, at some point in western Canada, was received in Blair recently. He was a former resident of this county, youngest son of the late Giles Mead, born and reared on the Mead farm near Tyson Siding, five miles north of Blair. He married a daughter of Herman Mehrens, deceased, and a number of years ago moved to north central North Dakota, near the town of Minot, where he settled on a homestead and prospered for a time. But he proved a “bad actor,” became involved in debt and enamored of another women, mortgaged his property, deserted his family and left them penniless, subsequently going to Canada, from whence report comes of his death.

His wife’s folks sent for their daughter and her children, and she is living on the old homestead, since the death of her parents, devoting herself to the maintenance and education of her children.

# 3 - - from the Pilot, October 20, 1915

News has been received here of the death of John L. Mead on Oct. 5, 1915, at 8 a.m. at his home in Banff, Alta., Canada. Deceased was born near Tyson, in this county, March 27, 1872. He grew to manhood here and was married to Rosanell Mehrens, Dec. 24, 1890. To this union five children were born, four of whom are now living. They moved to Minot, N.D., 1902, where they lived on a homestead in the Moose river loup 6 years. From there he went to Olds, Alberta, Canada, where he remained about 3 years, and has since resided at Banff, Alta., Canada. His oldest son, Herman, was with him at the time of his death which was caused by typhoid fever. The second son, David, lives near Lansford, N. D., and Bennie and Josephine reside with their mother near this city. He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Giles Mead. He also leaves two sisters and three brothers, Tom Mead and Mr. Bennie Bunn, of this city, Frank Mead and Mrs. Eli Souder of Vermillion, Alta., Canada and Eugene Mead of Willows, Calif.

(typed as printed in the newspaper. There are some variations of spellings.)