4 newspaper articles
# 1 - - printed in Blair Tribune, August 5, 1914
Miss Gladys, the 19-year-old daughter of Mrs. Geo. Metzinger, died at 2:15 Monday afternoon of tuberculosis. She had been a sufferer from the dread disease from childhood, but only commenced to fail rapidly last March. The mother and surviving children certainly have the deepest sympathy of the community in their bereavement, as this is the second death in the family in the past two weeks, and the third in a short time, as the father passed away some three months ago. The funeral will be held from the home at 2 o’clock this afternoon, Rev. F. E. Volck of the Baptist church conducting the last sad rites.
# 2 - - from the Pilot, August 5, 1914
While the death of Gladys Metzinger wasn’t unexpected, yet the end came rather suddenly Monday afternoon at about 2:15. She had been a little brighter the past few days and the family thought she might be with them several weeks yet at the least. Her heart was weak and gave way suddenly when the system became reduced from tuberculosis of the lungs. Her sister, Hazel, died just two weeks before of the same disease. Her father died on the 9th of last March, making three of them in less than five months. The funeral was held at the house at 2 o’clock this afternoon, Rev. F. C. Volck, of the Baptist church, officiating. She was born in this city Jan. 3rd, 1895, and grew to womanhood among us. She was of a sweet and lovable disposition and was a favorite among her friends and beloved by all who knew her. The many friends of the stricken family join in heartfelt sympathy for them in this their third great sorrow in so short a time.
# 3 - - printed in Blair Democrat, August 6, 1914
Gladys, the 19 year old daughter of Mrs. George Metzinger, died Monday after suffering some time with tuberculosis and the funeral was held from the home yesterday afternoon, with the Baptist minister in charge. This is the second daughter of Mrs. Metzinger to die of this malady in the past few weeks, and the sympathy of the entire community goes out to the family.
# 4 - - from The Enterprise, August 7, 1914
Again death enters the home of Mrs. George Metzinger and takes another daughter before time has had an opportunity to heal the wound made by the death of her daughter, Hazel, two weeks ago.
On Monday at 2:15 P. M., Gladys, aged 19 years, passed peacefully away after an illness dating back to last March, of tuberculosis. She had been feeling unusually well and bright during the day but about ten moments before death, spoke of a peculiar feeling coming over her, and in a few moments had passed away.
Funeral services were held at the home on Wednesday afternoon conducted by Rev. F.E. Volck, and interment made in the Blair cemetery by the side of her sister and father.
It is not often that two young girls, just on the brink of womanhood, should be called from one home, in so short a time and it is the deepest sympathy that is extended to the mother, brother and remaining sister who are so heavily afflicted.
( buried in Block 92, Lot 6, Space 5)