Three newspaper articles
# 1 - - printed in The Enterprise, October 8, 1931
(There is a discrepancy in her death date; This obituary says 1931, while her death date in her husband’s obituary (George W. Coley) says 1932.)
Mrs. George W. Coley died early Sunday morning at her home four miles east of town on the same farm where she moved as a bride about forty-four years ago. Although her health had been poor for some time, her condition was not regarded as serious and her death came as a shock to her family and friends.
Ida Marie Marquart was born in Findlay, Ohio, August 1st, 1868, but the greater part of her life has been spent in this vicinity. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. at the home and interment was made in the Arlington cemetery. Besides the husband the survivors are two daughters, Miss Beulah and Stella who are at home; two sisters, Mrs. B. A. Marshall of Anaheim, Calif.; and Mrs. Charles Bormuth of Jemeria, Ohio; and five brothers, Phillip, George, William, Charles and Edward Marquart, all of whom reside in Hancock county, Ohio. Chet G. Marshall of this place, is a nephew of the deceased.
# 2 - - 2 small paragraphs from Pilot-Tribune, October 8, 1931
--- The friends here of Mr. and Mrs. George Coley of the Colby district were grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. Coley at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Coley had lived on the same farm more than forty years and had scores of friends in this part of the county who will miss her. We extend sympathy to the grief-stricken husband and daughters.
---Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rosenbaum, Mrs. Ruth Rosenbaum and Mrs. E. Spraker were callers at the George Coley home in the Colby school district Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Coley having passed away suddenly at 3 a.m. that morning. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenbaum and Mrs. Ruth Rosenbaum were former neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Coley while Mrs. Spraker is their cousin.
# 3 - - 2 small paragraphs from Pilot-Tribune, October 15, 1931
--- Among those from here attending the funeral services for Mrs. George Coley at the home in the Colby district Wednesday morning of last week were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rosenbaum, Mrs. E. Spraker, Mrs. George Robertson and Mrs. Ruth Rosenbaum and a number of others.
--- Mrs. B. A. Marshall who arrived from California early last week to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. George Coley, left the last of the week to visit relatives in Ohio. She accompanied some of the Ohio relatives home who had motored out to attend the funeral. Before returning to her home, Mrs. Marshall plans to spend some time visiting Arlington relatives and friends.