Published in the Pilot-Tribune July 3, 1967
Karen Carson, seven week old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Carson who reside several miles north of Blair, died as a result of a two-car accident in Omaha Thursday afternoon.
The accident took place at the intersection of 156th Street and Maple Street in the west part of Omaha.
Mrs. Carson was driving the vehicle at the time of the accident. Mrs. Dorothy Mohr, 27, Route 2, Omaha, was the driver of the other car.
Seven years old Stephen Carson was taken to a Omaha hospital for treatment of injuries. Mrs. Carson, 27, and a son, Timothy, four, were taken to the hospital and treated for cuts and bruises and released. Mrs. Mohr suffered bruises and a leg injury.
Mr. Carson is employed in Omaha.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Pisgah, Iowa.