Since the death date was not given the news article date was used. Published in the Blair Courier February 13, 1892
The funeral of Mrs. Anna B. Chamberlain took place today at the home of her son-in-law. The sermon was preached by the pastor of the Baptist Church from Heb. XIII: 16, “Here we have no continuing city but we seek one to come”. Mrs. Chamberlain was born in New York April 20th, ’30.
In 1866 she was married to Neuton Chamberlain who died about eleven years ago. They were blessed with five children, all of whom were present at the funeral.
About 10 years ago she moved to Wheeler County this state and remained there until about one year ago when she came to Blair. She has been sick more or less for a year, but received a sudden attack of congestion of the brain last week and on Saturday passed away. She was a member of the Congregational Church in Wheeler County. She was a kind mother, an earnest Christian and well loved by all who knew her. Gone but not forgotten.
In Memory of Mrs. Chamberlain
There is mourning ‘round the hearth tonight, For your dear mother’s gone;
The tearful eyesight-The home is so forlorn.
We miss thee, oh, we miss thee. When the sun is shining bright;
Or when the evening shades are falling, And all through the quiet night.
Dear mother, though the body lies Beneath the silent sod,
Thy spirit lives about the skies, Forever with its God.
Mourn not dear friends, in anguish word; Mourn not for her who now is blessed.
That God hath called the mother mild To his home in heaven-Eternal rest.
A Friend