(veteran) Penciled notation reads as follows: Born, 6 Feb 1831; Co. G, 17th Wisc. Infantry, Civil War; died, 30 Nov 1895, Buried Blair Cemetery, location 46 – 8 – 11.
Three small newspaper articles:
# 1 - - printed in The Pilot, December 5, 1895
Mr. Samuel Dorsey of Herman who has been seriously sick for some time, died last Saturday night, and his funeral was held at 2 P.M. Monday. Mr. Dorsey was well known and most highly respected. He was commander of the G.A.R. post at Herman, and was in many ways a permanent (prominent ?) citizen.
# 2 - - from the Weekly Leader, December 7, 1895
The death of one of the most respected citizens of Herman, Mr. Samuel Dorsey, is announced to have occurred on last Saturday. Deceased was a veteran of the late war and commander of the Herman G.A.R. The funeral occurred on Monday at two p.m. and was largely attended.
# 3 - - from The Pilot, December 5, 1895
Notice of Probate of Will
In the County Court of Washington County, Nebraska:
In the matter of the Estate of Samuel Dorsey, deceased:
The verified petition of John H. Chambers has been filed in the County Court of said county, praying that Letters Testamentary do issue to Orton C. Dorsey, James Dorsey and Charles Dorsey under the last Will and Testament of Samuel Dorsey, deceased.
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that a hearing will be had on said petition on the 23rd day of December A.D. 1895, at 11 o’clock A.M. and all persons interested are notified to appear and show cause, if any, why said Instrument may not be proved, allowed and probated as the last Will and Testament of said deceased and execution thereof, and administration of said estate be granted.
Witness my hand and Official Seal this 3rd day of December, 1895.
EDWARD C. JACKSON, County Judge (SEAL) 35-3t
~~~Obituaries courtesy of Washington County Genealogical Association; newspaper clippings on file at the Public Library, Blair, Nebraska ~~~