Obituary Record

John McGuire
Died on 8/30/1914
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Pilot 2 Sept 1914

The body of John McGuire was brought up here from Benson Monday for burial by the side of his first wife and two children. Two weeks ago Monday he was hurt by backing an auto out of the garage into a passing street car. He was too old to recover from the shock and died early Sunday morning at his home in Benson. Rev. Mr. Burril conducted the funeral at the house at 3 o’clock. The I.O.O.F. attended in a body and conducted the ceremony at the grave. He was an old resident of this county, having homesteaded the farm now owned by Geo. VonLankin northwest of town in 1867. In 1984 he moved to Mississippi, where he lived for four years, returning to Benson, where he was postmaster for sixteen years, going out only last winter. Before he left here his first wife died and he married Mrs. J. H. VanHorn, Mrs. W. G. Harrison’s mother, whose husband was killed, in the old blacksmith shop, located on the corner where the postoffice now stands, by the exploding of an emory wheel. Besides his wife he leaves two children, Mrs. Henry Straight of Greely, Colo., and O’Linn McGuire, of Benson. Also a brother, Joe, of Benson, and two sisters, Mrs. Bohs, of Benson, and Mrs. Battie, of Central City.

Blair Democrat 3 Sept 1914

Former Resident Dies

John Maguire, aged 70, a former resident of this neighborhood, but for the past twenty years making his home at Benson where he was postmaster for a number of years, died at his home Sunday morning from injuries received in an automobile accident several weeks ago. Surviving besides the wife are two sons, James of Greeley, Colo., and Olin of Benson; one brother and one sister residing at Denver and one sister at Central City, Neb. Mr. Maguire was the step-father of Mrs. W. G. Harrison who now lives several miles south of Blair on a farm.

Funeral services were held in Benson Monday afternoon and the remains brought to Blair in an auto hearse. The cortege was joined by a number of Odd Fellows at this point and accompanied to the cemetery, where the remains were laid beside those of his first wife and two children. Deceased had been a member of the Odd Fellows lodge of this city and the remains were laid to rest under their auspices.

Enterprise 4 Sept 1914

John McGuire a former resident of this county, living at Benson for the past twenty years, postmaster there for a dozen or more years, died at his home there last Sunday morning and the remains were brought here for burial on Monday. Deceased met with an accident, by backing his auto out of the garage in front of a street car, and was so badly injured that death resulted. Quite a delegation of friends accompanied the body here where the Odd Fellows of this city, of which order he was a member for many years, took charge of the services at the grave.

His first wife died here several years ago and he married Mrs. J. H. VanHorn, Mrs. W. G. Harrison’s mother.

Note: Written on the card was the note that he is buried in Blair Cemetery Block 18 Lot 6 Space 8.

~~~Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file at the Blair Public Library.~~~

FindaGrave Memorial #117239552