Obituary Record

Marion Bruner
Died on 7/5/1919
Buried in Kennard Cemetery

Marion Bruner died July 5, 1919, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jesse Coulter, residing northeast of Arlington, Washington County, Nebraska. The deceased was born at Utica, Indiana, August 13, 1832, and died July 5th, aged 86 years and 11 months.

Mr. Bruner was married in 1853 to Miss E Dorman. To this union two children were born, a son, who died in infancy, and one daughter, Mrs. Coulter.

Mr. Bruner was married the second time to Miss Matilda Coulter, September 15th, 1866. To this union were born two sons. Donald Alonzo died in July, 1870. Besides the two and Francis Edward, the mother, sons and daughter, he leaves to mourn his death 7 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.

We extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Coulter, his sons, grand-children and the many friends.

Burial was in the Kennard Cemetery, Rev. W. H. Underwood, of Blair officiating.

Note: It is not known where in the Kennard Cemetery Marion is buried.

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 7/9/1919