#1Published in the Tribune October 17, 1918
Mrs. R. Cheely, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cheely and Mrs. W. R. Cheely, were summoned to Council Bluffs, yesterday by a message announcing the death of Mrs. George C. Chambers, nee Alberta Cheely, formerly a Blair girl.
At the present writing no further particulars can be learned as all the family is out of town, but it is presumed the body will be brought here for interment.
#2-Published in the Pilot October 23, 1918
Funeral of Mrs. George Chambers
The funeral of Mrs. Alberta Chambers, nee Cheely, occurred last Friday afternoon at four o’clock. The service which was brief and impressive, was held at the grave. A quartette choir sang, “Does Jesus Care?” and “Rock of Ages” and Rev. John B Williams, Pastor of Blair Christian Church gave the address. Following is part of what was said:
“Alberta Clyde Cheely was born in Union County S. D., October 4, 1889, and was therefore 29 years of age when she died.
She was the daughter of Robert and Lenora Cheely, the youngest in a family of 6. When she was about 11 years old she came to live in Blair, and here she received her education mostly, completing high school and at Dana College.
Through all the years of her childhood she was sickly and feeble, undergoing a dangerous operation when only six years old. This lengthened her life it is true, but left her permanently impaired in health.
Notwithstanding, she was possessed of wonderful tenacity of spirit. Through all the years her mind did not seem to brood on the disadvantages that she was doomed to labor under. Rather she was hopeful and strove to view things from the sunny side, and her outlook on life was a light-hearted one. She was seldom inclined to discouragement and far from resigning herself to despondent moods.
But hers was a case that called for a great deal of sympathy. And all her life her mother watched over her with unceasing kindness and tender care. The two were much in each other’s company, and in her mother she had a friend for all times and all trials.
Deceased was married to Mr. George Chambers here in Blair April 29, 1913, and they lived thereafter in various places until her husband fell out of normal health and went to live in a sanitarium.
Since then the young wife has made her home with relatives, sometimes working in Omaha and other places.
During the past year she has made her home in Council Bluffs with Mr. and Mrs. D. White, 2210 Ave. C, where her death occurred on Wednesday last, after a brief illness. She had a considerable circle of friends both in Council Bluffs and Omaha.
When Mrs. Chambers was 14 years old she confessed her faith in our Lord becoming a member of the Christian Church. And now when a breeze of epidemic is sweeping, this frail plant has been blighted. She reached the end suddenly and with but little suffering. Her infirmities and distresses are now over, and her eyes are closed on this world, which is often a friendly world and a good world to live in, and yet sometimes harsh and rough and evil.
~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file at the Blair Public Library.~~~