Published in the Enterprise April 30, 1925
Mrs. T. C. Hilton received a notice of the death of Arthur T. Chapin of Winside, Neb. from her old friend and neighbor, Mrs. Chapin recently.
The Chapin’s were early day residents of Blair and Mr. Chapin served as sheriff of this county in 1869.
Mrs. Chapin was Miss Montie Cooper, daughter of P. G. Cooper, also an old timer in this county. She was a graduate of the Blair schools of the class of 1886 and will be kindly remembered by those of the pioneers who are still in Blair. Besides the widow, he leaves two daughters, Mrs. Mark Stringer of Denhoff, North Dakota and Mrs. Arthur McCain of St. Louis, Mo., and a son, Alfred Chapin of California.
Mr. Chapin was nearly eight-two years of age at the time of his death, April 13, 1925. He had lived in Wayne County for forty-four years and was respected and loved by all who knew him.