Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used. Printed in Pilot-Tribune, January 9, 1930
Emil Dixon died at his farm home northwest of Blair early last Thursday morning, following a heart attack he suffered but a few hours before. Mr. Dixon had attended to his farm chores early Thursday and was pumping water when he became suddenly ill. The deceased was born in Blair on September 23, 1873 and was a Washington county resident all of his life.
On February 9, 1898, he was united in marriage and to this union five children were born, all of whom survive him. Surviving him are his wife; four sons, George and Emil, jr., of Chicago; Raymond of Los Angeles, Calif.; and Bert of Blair; and a daughter, Letha, of Los Angeles.
Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist church at 2:00 o’clock last Sunday afternoon with the Rev. Carl G. Bader officiating, after which interment was made in Blair cemetery.