Obituary Record

Ira Irl Dixon
Died on 3/21/1965


Printed in The Enterprise, March 25, 1965


Ira Irl Dixon, a former Washington county man who will be remembered by many of the older residents, died March 21st at the Community Hospital at Broken Bow, Nebraska. He was 74 years of age and had been making his home at Ansley, Nebraska.

He was born near Blair and spent the early years of his life in the Blair, Ft. Calhoun and Omaha area.

He was married November 26, 1914 to Miss Amanda Moeller and to this union two sons and one daughter were born. They are Lloyd of Denver; Merlin of Los Angeles, and Frances of Casper, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last Thanksgiving.

In mid-life he became a minister and pastored churches at Butte, Amelia and Ansley, Nebraska and at Colome, South Dakota and Laramie and Casper, Wyoming. He retired from active ministry in 1953 and made his home in Ansley.

Besides his wife and sons and daughter, he is survived by his brothers, Curtis L. of Ft. Calhoun and Fred K. of Fremont. There are also six grandchildren and other relatives.

Burial was in the Ft. Calhoun cemetery Wednesday.